A whole year in TCS…

Putting up with a post every now and then had been a matter of the past as people can very well see my last post for more confirmation. But still starting a new life somewhere, be it school, be it college, be it office or be it with a spouse always gives us a very special feeling… Well to be honest, special as well as anxious feeling… Now I bet you all will feel, “Yes… you are honest“… 😛
But more better feelings arrive when you complete a whole year in the same life and when the day of your first anniversary comes, you feel totally awesome and relieve a heavy breath of satisfaction… the satisfaction of completing a year… Successfully throughout or with crests and troughs… That matters only when you look back…

Just like everyone else’ life… Just like mine
Successfully completing a whole year in TCS, with many crests and troughs…

The day 20th December 2010 was a day to be remembered as we first entered into a corporate world. Anxious and with bated breath we stepped into a life which we have only dreamed of, which we have only seen as a third person. And then the training starts, training ends too, a wait starts for the arrival of a project, that wait also ends… Then comes the extremities… Sometimes you have nothing to do… and sometimes… you just need to do everything to save yourself…

The completion of the training period, well frankly speaking, made us really weak of letting go of each other, and even nowadays the feeling persists. But as they say during the training period, IT IS A TIME WHEN WE RIP YOU APART, MAKE YOU FRUSTRATED FROM A LOWER LEVEL TO A HIGHER LEVEL. In short our Life Skills mentor Abhishek used to say “THIS IS CALLED PRE-WEDDING HONEYMOON“… Not to mention the line I added after that… “and we are the brides over here“… 😛 Well, we did feel like brides throughout the journey of ILP (I should be truthful). After that during the heat and under the scorching sun of April-May 2011, going to office just to show your face and beg for a project also seemed to be pathetic. Playing Dumb-Charades with friends and making new songs became our new timepass in the canteen and I really wanna thank Soumyajit, Arundhati, Samarendra, Sachin, Arjun, Souvik and Nilanjana for such precious moments.

The project call arrives like a lightening bolt and soon I was shifted to a whole new place amidst a whole new group in a whole new building. The day was Friday (day of casuals) when I had my project interview taken by three associates, but I was amazed by their cool nature which never let me feel that they are actually seniors having 4-6 years of experience. We chatted about hobbies, we chatted about dress codes and finally we had a good laugh on the dresses we were wearing that day.

Trust me, any corporate world we talk, if it lacks the true friendly atmosphere, the urge of working with a real smile on your face will also lack. Slowly and steadily entering into a new project, learning new applications, gaining new knowledge about the overview, all these processes seems to be too easy when you have caring and friendly atmosphere. Yes, I got that care and support from the seniors present over there. Fortunately one of the seniors who used to be with us during our knowledge training turned out to be my school senior, moreover, my distant cousin sister. This made the whole atmosphere into a pleasant one and truly I have never felt that much pressure in my work place. They were always ready to surprise me by supporting even the stupidest and silliest of my problems. When I am frustrated and want to be alone, they never ask about the problem but at the same time they never leave me alone which was the most generous thing I have seen in a corporate world. The group of seniors always have acted as a friend, as a brother, as a sister, but never as just another employee of the organization. Today while typing this post, my heart express tokens of gratitude to all of them who helped me get up when I fell down, who cared a lot when I was low, who stood beside me when I was blank, and the group include the HRs also (I’m not at all kidding… Yes the HRs). It’s not about what you do IN an organization, it’s all about what you do FOR the same.

A year gone with so many lessons, giving many experiences which may not be attested in a hard copy certificate, but shall be remembered throughout my lifetime.

This one year taught me a very good truth which was rumored to be false when it comes about professional life. They say no one can be your friend in a life like this, no one helps you when you are down, and you need to be on your own. I disagree to their thoughts… not only because I have been helped countless times, but also been cared and treated by those seniors as friends. People lie when they say no one saves you if you fall. I say, people will surely save you if you really want to be saved and have the attitude of getting up, standing up and face the odds.

People will always be against you when you are down… true, but if you do have the urge to fight back and show them what you have got, people eventually take the winning side, so always get up, stand up, make your face shine with positivity and you’ll always have the lot of us beside you whenever you need.… (Quote by one of the senior brothers in my project).